Year of the Salish Sea

Fraser Riverkeeper is excited to support the Vancouver City Council’s motion to proclaim June 8, 2022 to June 7, 2023 the Year of the Salish Sea. Beginning on World Ocean Day, the Year of the Salish Sea will bring together local First Nations, municipalities, organizations, and individuals across the Lower Mainland. This youth-led effort aims to center Indigenous knowledge, stewardship, and collaboration in working towards a healthy Salish Sea.

“The Salish Sea is a biologically diverse inland international sea that is surrounded by mountainous watersheds of spectacular beauty. For more than 10,000 years, Indigenous peoples have lived along the shores of and cared for the Salish Sea. Today, the region is home to almost nine million people, and that number is rapidly growing. Our expanding human footprint brings with it urbanization and ensuing impacts on the seascape.”

 - State of the Salish Sea, Sobocinski, K.L.

The view looking out over the Salish Sea at sunset. Photo: M.E. Sanseverino, Flickr.

Shockingly, only 15% of British Columbians can point to the Salish Sea on a map. Let’s come together to improve awareness of the Salish Sea and amplify the work being done to solve the problems this beloved waterbody is facing. We are looking forward to celebrating the diverse conservation efforts, ecological education, and engagement work promoting a healthy Salish Sea. With collective action and public engagement, the Year of the Salish Sea encourages a shift towards living more reciprocally with the ocean.

At Fraser Riverkeeper, we understand that people protect what they love. By supporting the Year of the Salish Sea, we are declaring our love for this waterbody! Supporting this initiative is helping all of us create swimmable, drinkable, fishable water for everyone. 

An orca making rainbows in the mist while surfacing. Photo: Miles Ritter, Flickr.

If you would like to see the City of Vancouver municipality recognize the declaration of the Year of the Salish Sea, share your input with the city council here.

Learn more about the initiative as well as the ongoing work being done to ensure a healthier future for the Salish Sea at

Sadie Caron joins the Fraser Riverkeeper team from Edmonton's Swim Drink Fish initiative, the North Saskatchewan Riverkeeper. After completing her Bachelor's in Environmental Science from McGill University, she has shared her knowledge and passion for conservation, public health, and water security through science education and communication with various organizations across the country. Diverse water experiences including windsurfing the waters of Eagle Lake, floating down the Elbow River, canoeing on the North Saskatchewan, and testing the water quality of the Caribbean Sea in Barbados have shaped her deep connection to a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future for all.


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